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SG Boardgame Designer Goes to Spiel Essen 2022

Writer's picture: SBD EditorSBD Editor
SBD will be introducing 27 games and 17 Singaporean designers to one of the world's largest tabletop convention.

Singapore Boardgame Design will be visiting Spiel Essen 2022 for the first time, and introducing the game designers and their games to an international audience. Due to high logistic cost to Germany, we will be bringing limited copies of games to the convention. Attendees of the fair can pre-order at the site below and pick-up the game at our booth at Hall 5, G122.

The designers of Contraband Insider, Geoffrey Chia & Data Heist, Mark Lee, will be at the convention for the first time! We also have Daryl Chow (Dirty Money), Steve Ng (Check Out!, Hotpot Havoc, Combo Cone Paradise) and Xeo Lye (Zombielife Insurance). Look out for them! Links for pre-order for the games from SBD to be picked up at the convention hall can be found below.


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