Sick of the usual Mahjong and Black Jack games during Lunar New Year and looking for something different? Here are some board games and card games that are perfect for the post reunion dinner gathering if you want to avoid some gambling activities. If you haven’t yet, try out these 5 popular Singaporean designed games for the up-coming Lunar New Year celebrations!

1) Hotpot Havoc
Publisher: Mercat Games
Unable to grab that juicy salmon piece during Lou Yu Seng or someone has stolen your abalone in the middle of a chaotic Hot Pot dinner? It's time to get your revenge with Hotpot Havoc! Hotpot Havoc is a fast paced game where players have to cook, dip and eat your way to victory by trying to fill their bowls with the best and most delicious ingredients and be the first in line to pick the perfect sauce for their food. Each ingredient has a certain fullness point and you must make sure to fill the bowl with just the right amount of fullness points, or you will earn a demerit point. If you are looking for an adrenaline pumping, real time game where there are a lot of hands flying all over the table grabbing ingredients with people muttering and cursing, this is the perfect game for the family, while performing the tradition rite of Shou Ye (守夜) and waiting for the clock to strike twelve.

2) Say what? Learn Hokkien / Cantonese
Publisher: Neon Neko
Looking to re-connect with your elderly relatives or trying to improve on your dialect and impress your elders, hoping to get a fatter ang bao? Say What? Learn Hokkien and Learn Cantonese card games are perfect for the occasion because they are a fun and interactive way to learn and practice dialects. The game can be played by people of all ages and language levels. It is designed to help players build vocabulary, improve pronunciation, and learn common phrases. Playing the game in a group setting such as a family gathering allows players to engage in friendly competition and learn together. It also provides a opportunity to share and exchange cultural knowledge with one other. It can also be a way to bridge cultural gaps among family members who speak different languages. Additionally, the game can be a great way to break the ice and bring families closer by encouraging communication and laughter. It's also a great way to spend quality time with loved ones while learning something new.

3) Contraband Insider
Publisher: Good Spirit Games
Is your house like an illegal gambling den during Lunar New Year with every inch of your house occupied by friends and relatives playing mahjong or black jack with players trying to cheat by smuggling cards or tiles up their sleeves and pretending to be a gambling saint? Here is a game that is all about bluffing and smuggling illegal goods! In Contraband Insider, the police are stepping up enforcement efforts to confiscate illegal contraband goods within the city. Unfortunately, players take on the role of moles infiltrated into the police force. These corrupted cops are also known as “insiders” who manipulate various operations to prevent their partnered contraband goods from being confiscated by police raids. Get ready for some fun police and thief Infernal Affairs (无间道) actions during your family gathering!

4) Bobatopia
Publisher: I Love Taimei
It is no secret that many Singaporeans travel to Taiwan during Lunar New Year, to experience a different new year, and having an excuse to get away from giving ang bao or fending off uncomfortable questions regarding your marital status. For those who are stuck in Singapore and are missing a slice of Taiwan, Bobatopia is the ultimate Taiwan comfort food card game, set in the world of Bobatopia, the place where Taiwanese street food comes to life! In Bobatopia, everyone deserves a heartful meal. Play with friends and collect all the various sets of delicious bubble tea, popcorn chicken and sweet potato fries while stealing their food and protecting your goodies from their grabby hands! A great game during family gatherings while munching delicious Lunar New Year cookies and Bak Kwa.

5) The Singaporean Dream
Publisher: SGAG
It is the time of the year where relatives will be asking what is your life long dream, or whether you are getting married, when are you getting a kid... or having even more kids when you already have 3 younglings shouting at the top of their voices chasing each other in the background. This is the time, when you bring out The Singaporean Dream and randomly draw on one of the dream to flash it to your relatives. In Singaporean Dream, players have to collect the most dreams, by buying it with cash... or stealing it from your opponents. It is also a great game to play with your friends and relatives where you get to sabotage a snotty cousin, steal all their money and dreams, and can have an excuse to display your dominance in brainpower and strategic prowess.
