Can you conserve and identify famous Singaporean buildings? Now available on SBD Shop.
Protecc is a game for 3 to 8 players. It is all about you trying to hinder your opponents’ progress in trying to conserve the historically and culturally rich buildings in Singapore, while you become successful in conserving your own set of buildings to prove that you are the best conservator in town. Hinder their conservation process by targeting them with misfortunes or governmental policies as you set up the steps needed to conserve your own on the side!
The game’s objective is to make the players aware of the conservation process and the issues that threaten it through the usage of attacc (attack) and protecc (defence) cards on the selected building cards in the game.
Designed by 5 Masters of Architecture students currently enrolled at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, they created this card game for the purpose of creating a toolkit to educate locals about conservation in Singapore.
For people who are interested in architecture, check out this game which is the first of its kind to feature Singaporean heritage buildings.
The game was successfully funded on Kickstarter on Nov 2021 and is now available at SBD shop.